Textiles A Classification of Techniques
This is the only title to give a classified overview of the variety of
textile techniques. Its first edition (1973), available only in German, had to be reprinted
several times. The interest in textiles, textile techniques and structures has increased
considerably worldwide since that time and also has led to discoveries of previously
unknown procedures.
This completely revised and expanded edition takes these new findings into account.
Approximately 300 procedures in thread and textile manufacturing and in textile decoration
are presented in the text and the drawings. The most important structures and weave forms,
which can be created in very diverse ways, are cited in the appendix. Textiles also shows
the basic criteria to differentiate the principal procedures. The book is written for everyone
interested in textiles, but especially for textile scientists, anthropologists, archaeologists,
historians, collectors, and curators. The bibliography is listed according to technical
criteria, as well as to ranges of application (archaeology, anthropology, descriptions of
collections, instructions and so on).
AUTHOR: Annemarie Seiler-Baldinger
STATUS: Back List
PRICE: $43.95
ILLUSTRATIONS: 32 full-colour photograph andmore than 300 black-andwhitediagrams
FORMAT: Portrait; softcover; xvi + 256 pages
DIMENSIONS: 240 x 168 mm
ISBN: 1863331107